Fork in the Road

Technical Support

Get a list of the differences between two files. Pick two files and click compare. A notepad window pops up showing either a message about the files being the same or a list of the differences.

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Click on the [Details >>] button to affect the way the files are compared.

Display only first and last lines for each set of differences

Binary Comparison

Use this option to compare files such as executable files that are not text files. The output is different from the other options. Instead of a list of the lines of text that are different, you get a list of every position where the bytes are different. The report shows the position number in hexadecimal and then the contents of each file at that offset postion, all in hexadecimal.

When this option is chosen, all other options are ignored.

Disregard case of letters

Display line numbers on an ASCII comparison

Do not expand tabs to spaces

Compress white space (tabs and spaces) for comparison

Compare files as ASCII text

Maximum consecutive mismatch lines

Number of consecutive lines that must match after a mismatch

Known Bugs

There is a temporary file created that is not deleted.

Each file compare creates a different temporary file. The name of the file is displayed in the notepad program's title. This file is stored in the Windows Temporary folder, usually c:\Windows\Temp, as defined for the computer on which Fork in the Road is installed. The file name always begins with fc_ and has the .tmp extension.

Help file is in the works.

Future Enhancements

Remember folder/filenames from last session.

More languages.

Fork in the Road needs a COOL skin.

And maybe even a skin editor.

Talk to Us

Question? Suggestion? Comment? Let us in on it.

If you want us to contact you, enter your email address here.

last updated 30-Jan-2002